Adult Lifestyle Communities

Welcome to LIFESTYLES Newsletter and adultlifestylecommunities.com—the only website created specifically to serve the vibrant baby boom generation. LIFESTYLES will keep you up to date every month with information about Adult Lifestyle Communities and Residential Retirement Communities, as well as entertaining blogs and articles ranging from Travel to Tech, Home Decor to Online Dating, Fitness to Finance and more.

Adult Lifestyle Communities


The Family Culture
Behind Schlegel Villages

By Kristian Partington

Since 1953, the Schlegel Family’s calling to offer a true sense of home and belonging for older adults has grown in waves, fuelled by their passion and commitment to learn from the residents they serve and the team members and partners who bring their vision to life.

Adult Lifestyle Communities
Adult Lifestyle Communities
Adult Lifestyle Communities


Is it time to tell your story?
Why your memoir matters

By Anne Bokma

Writing is a dream vocation for the vast majority older adults — 81 percent according to the Gallup organization. Specifically, many are enamoured with the idea of writing their memoirs as a legacy for their loved ones. It’s never too late to write your story. Frank McCourt was 66 years old when he wrote his bestselling memoir, Angela’s Ashes, about his poor Irish Catholic childhood.

Adult Lifestyle Communities
Adult Lifestyle Communities


On the Shores of Lake Huron, Goderich Harbours an Unusual Secret

By Pat Brennan

Two miles out under Lake Huron, Rowland Howe is standing at a street corner waiting for a bus, on his way home from one of Ontario’s most unusual construction sites. Howe is manager of the world’s largest salt mine — a massive labyrinth under the lakebed — and the biggest employer in Goderich.

Adult Lifestyle Communities
Adult Lifestyle Communities


RRSPs and RRIFs – Are They Actually Worth it?

By Catherine Daley

An RRSP is basically a tax shelter that postpones tax on your earned income while allowing your money to be invested and grow, without income tax, until such time as you retire – normally when you are at a lower tax bracket. Effectively, it shifts your income tax from a higher level while you’re working to a lower income tax level in retirement.

Adult Lifestyle Communities
Adult Lifestyle Communities


To Be A Pilgrim – Walking the Celebrated Camino de Santiago

By Catherine Daley

The Camino de Santiago is one of the most celebrated pilgrimages in the world, dating back to medieval times. In recent years the popularity of the pilgrimage has significantly increased, with 277,913 certificates of completion handed out in 2018 and 347,578 handed out in 2019.

Adult Lifestyle Communities
Adult Lifestyle Communities


Downsizing and Preparing Your Home for Sale

By Jo-Ann Capelaci

Selling your home can be a stressful time, but downsizing can also be cathartic! You will feel more empowered in your move if you prepare in advance, and allow ample time to do so. Take time now to purge, declutter, clean, and organize, so there will be less to do when it’s time to move!

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Adult Lifestyle Communities

Adult Lifestyle Communities Adult Lifestyle CommunitiesAdult Lifestyle CommunitiesAdult Lifestyle Communities

Welcome our New Contributor Rose Reisman, Canada’s Cookbook Queen!
Coming in October we are delighted to welcome Rose Reisman to ALC. A successful entrepreneur, catering and cooking guru, and now fitness personal trainer, Rose’s participation adds to the excitement here at ALC. Stay tuned for upcoming articles, videos and contests that will be sure to enrich your life!

Join Rose on Social Media now while we await her arrival at ALC

Adult Lifestyle Communities

Time to Tell Your Story - 6 Minute Memoir Workshop with Anne Bokma
Write your story in 1,000 words. Tell it in 6 minutes. Let writing coach Anne Bokma show you how. Select, shape, and share a transformative true tale from your Life in this 3-session online workshop series presented by Anne Bokma, award-winning journalist, author, and founder of the 6-Minute Memoir project.

Tuesdays, November 15, 22 & 29 from 4-6:30 p.m. EST

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