
Desjardins Financial Security

ALC members receive a FREE financial review from Desjardins Financial Security!

Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network has a network of financial product and service distributers that focus on wealth management. As a independent advisor we personalize our service offer to meet your changing needs. No matter the goals you set or the unexpected situations you face I can help you develop a financial strategy.

There’s more than just Investments and Insurance.

There are your plans. Your dreams. Your life.

We can help you channel every aspect of your financial life into a comprehensive wealth management strategy. As an independent advisor, Desjardins offers you tailored and impartial financial services:

Financial Protection: Life insurance and living benefits

Saving and Investing: Strategic planning, a second opinion on your portfolio and tax effective investment solutions

Optimizing Your Taxes: Tax planning and tax effective strategies

Planning Your Retirement: Risk management, accumulation and payout strategies, and estate planning

Call us at 647-638-5090

Website: www.dfsin.ca/luisahrysio

Book an appointment: Luisa Booking

Email: Luisa.Hrysio@dfsin.ca

To redeem this offer, visit www.dfsin.ca/luisahrysio and use your coupon code. To receive your coupon code, sign in below.


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