
Finance and Technology

How AI is Revolutionizing Financial Planning for Older Investors

Aug 2024 | By David Cravit and Larry Wolf

In today’s rapidly evolving financial landscape, navigating the complexities of investing and financial planning can be daunting, especially for older investors. As people seek to secure their financial futures – and ensure that they don’t outlive their money – the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the financial industry has been hyped as a potential game-changer. The data-processing power of AI-driven technologies can help investors and financial advisors make more informed decisions, optimize portfolio performance, and quickly adapt to changing market conditions. Here, we look at how AI can help us make smarter financial decisions.

Personalized Investment Strategies

We’ve reported previously on how AI can assist healthcare practitioners create customized treatment plans for patients, based on their genetic makeup, medical history and individual lifestyle. Similarly, one of the most significant advantages of AI in financial planning is its ability to tailor investment strategies to individual investors’ unique needs and goals.

Take, for instance, investing for longevity. People are living longer, which is, of course, good news. But it also means they need to ensure they have enough money to support themselves that much longer. The traditional model was based on retiring at 65, and then needing to sustain another 10-12 years of lifespan. Today, that post-65 lifespan may be 20 years or more.

When investment strategies can be supported by AI algorithms, it becomes possible to quickly analyze a vast and complex array of data, including investors’ risk tolerance, time horizon, income needs, and market conditions, to develop more customized portfolios that strike the optimal balance between growth and stability.

Predictive Analytics and Risk Management

AI’s predictive analytics capabilities help investors and financial advisors to anticipate market trends, identify potential risks, and adjust investment strategies accordingly. For older investors, who may have a lower tolerance for risk (although, as we reported here, longevity means more SuperAgers may have a slightly higher tolerance for risk than in the past) and a greater need for capital preservation, AI can play a crucial role in managing portfolio volatility and minimizing downside risk. By analyzing historical market data, economic indicators, and geopolitical events, AI algorithms can provide valuable insights into potential market downturns or fluctuations, allowing investors to take preemptive measures to protect their assets.

Planning for the Long-Term

AI-powered financial planning tools, such as Betterment’s robo-advisor, can assess investors’ current financial situation, estimate future expenses, and calculate the probability of achieving their financial goals. By factoring in variables such as life expectancy, inflation, healthcare costs, and Social Security benefits, AI algorithms can provide personalized recommendations for saving and investment strategies that optimize income streams and maximize savings.

Behavioral Finance and Decision-Making

AI can also play a vital role in addressing behavioral biases and decision-making challenges that may affect older investors’ financial decisions. By analyzing investors’ behavioral patterns, cognitive biases, and emotional responses to market fluctuations, AI algorithms can identify potential pitfalls and help investors make more rational, disciplined decisions. For example, AI-powered robo-advisors, such as Wealthfront, can provide real-time feedback and guidance to investors, helping them stay on track with their long-term financial goals and avoid impulsive or emotionally driven investment decisions.

But … The Risks of Over-Reliance on AI

While artificial intelligence can provide valuable insights for making better investment decisions, it also comes with certain risks and challenges. Some of these key risks include:

  1. Data Quality and Bias: AI algorithms rely on large datasets to make predictions and generate investment recommendations. However, if the data used to train these algorithms is incomplete, inaccurate, or biased, it can lead to flawed investment decisions. For example, if historical data contains biases or anomalies, AI algorithms may learn to replicate these biases in their predictions, leading to suboptimal outcomes.
  2. Overfitting: This occurs when an AI model is trained too closely on historical data and fails to generalize well to new, unseen data. This can result in overly complex models that perform well on past data but fail to accurately predict future market trends.
  3. Model Risk: AI models are based on assumptions and simplifications about the underlying data and market dynamics. If these assumptions are incorrect or the models fail to capture important factors driving market behavior, it can lead to model risk, where investment decisions based solely on AI recommendations may be flawed or misguided.
  4. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy: AI algorithms require access to vast amounts of data, including sensitive financial information and personal data about investors. This poses cybersecurity and data privacy risks, as AI systems may be vulnerable to hacking, data breaches, or unauthorized access. Investors should ensure that robust cybersecurity measures are in place to protect their data and privacy when using AI-driven investment platforms.
  5. Market Dynamics and Black Swan Events: AI algorithms are trained on historical data, which may not fully capture extreme or unforeseen events, such as market crashes, geopolitical upheavals, or natural disasters. These “black swan” events can have a significant impact on investment performance and may not be adequately accounted for by AI models.

In summary, while AI provides valuable insights for optimizing portfolio performance, as well as useful tools for financial planning, it is by no means infallible  – and should not replace the judgment and experience of human investors. We will continue to follow the potential advantages of AI in helping us to manage our money, as it continues to evolve and expand its capabilities.